The Round Barrow
Please note our prices are for a permanent right of
Placement - IN Perpetuity - not leasehold
Central Chamber (12) situated in the heart of the barrow and has niches for 2 – 3 urns. Price for niche including the first urn £3,350
Circular Passage (13) which surrounds the central chamber. These niches hold one double urn designed for two sets of ashes. Price including the urn £2,995.
The Passageways here niches are situated on either side of the passageways which lead to the outer chambers, the niches will hold 2 – 3 urns. Price £1,995 including first urn.
Outer Chambers (1,2,4,5,7,8,10 & 11) these circular chambers, slightly smaller than the central chamber also have amazing corbelled ceilings the niches will take 2 – 3 urns. Price £2,750 including first urn.
East, South & West Chambers (3,6 & 9) these oblong chambers contain our larger niches for families / multiple urns.
Price for family niche up to 6 urns £4,250 including first urn.
Price for family niche up to 9 urns £6,335 including first urn.
Some of the passageway niches will be available as a shared resting place. Individuals who have no other family may still be in the barrow at a reasonable cost. The price is £1,355 per set of ashes and includes the urn.
Higher Ground Meadow has a trust fund. This is for the future upkeep of the grounds and also the trust ensures that the area will never be sold. Each urn will attract a contribution/fee of £30 once.
Only our design, locally made pottery urns will be accepted. When ashes are placed in the barrow there is a fee payable of £50 for unlocking, staff presence and recording of the placement in our records including storage of cremation certificate. Additional urns may be purchased in advance or as needed currently £155 each single size. Special matching miniature urns available at £75 may be placed in your niche for mementos/ trinkets etc.
The Time Circle has been created in the entrance passage providing a seating area within the barrow which is always available for quiet contemplation or a small gathering before placing some ashes.
The area surrounding the barrow is accessible daily during normal opening hours of Higher Ground Meadow for private internal visits a visiting fee is payable of £20 for half an hour.
We will arrange for the barrow to be accessible to relatives without charge on dates to be announced, example Christmas, some bank holidays and occasional open days.
These are our current terms and prices they are subject to change. It is possible to secure a niche for future use at today’s prices, pre-need certificates and trust receipts are then issued.
Below is a diagram showing the barrow layout
When visiting the inside of the barrow look out for Tim’s stone, this stone was given to us by the man who built the first modern barrow and to whom a huge debt of gratitude is due for having had the initial marvellous idea of creating these modern day barrows.